Our Services

We provide advisory services in the port and maritime field, which revolve around operational, administrative, financial, environmental issues, Success-oriented services, consistent with strategic, business, operational plans, around administrative, financial issues, environmental, technological, protection, security, logistics, expansion, operations, and market; applying the structured methodology towards the optimization of activities, identification of opportunities, planning and implementation of tasks. With the aim of significantly increasing the potential of each area and integrating those into the whole and improving the organization in a changing market.

With diversified experience in ports, airports and transportation, deep situational diagnoses, analysis, description of opportunities for improvement, orientation of effective work practices will be supported, to align the organization to a new level of service.
Incorporating an integrative approach from the pre-feasibility stage on a wide range of issues, considering operational assessment, historical analysis of the environment and specific coverage, base scenarios for strategic planning are designed, based on projections and trends, establishing metrics for evaluate and compare with the highest industry standards, based on the results obtained through Data Driven, which allows better and timely decision making

For Trifinum Team, the most valuable asset of an organization is the staff. Consequently, it must provide or strengthen the necessary skills to carry out their activities effectively and happily, incorporating their values with the scope of the objectives set for the organization.
Professional training and inclusive activities to share valuable knowledge are essential for the objectives of any institution. With this axis, Trifinium Consulting Group generates the conditions to take advantage of opportunities to be more competitive, developing, strengthening and innovating the professional skills of personnel at the operational, middle and managerial levels.
Everyone needs to learn, relearn, train and retrain, through courses, workshops, seminars or other action according to needs and innovation plans. This ensures personal and professional development in effective and professional performance.
To this end, we offer training and knowledge improvement activities tailored to your requirements. Designed, organized and executed in the face-to-face or non-face-to-face modality, although synchrony is suggested, they can be dispensed synchronously, what is guaranteed is the follow-up towards improvement.

Data Driven
Based on our experience in the port and maritime field, we recognize that information translated into data becomes a valuable asset for any organization.
Through the DATA DRIVEN approach, we transform the information generated by the data into knowledge and competitive advantages, which will allow you to make timely decisions and carry out more accurate strategic planning through the collection and analysis of information.
Through the processed and analyzed data, it will be possible to have a better idea and knowledge of the organization, improving its ability to anticipate problems, project trends and take advantage of opportunities for improvement. In the same way, there will be a better knowledge of the external and internal market that is served.

Regarding technologies, Trifinium Consulting Group evaluates, processes and develops Business Intelligence tools to improve the interpretation of data, supporting decision-making processes.
In addition, the improvement in cybersecurity issues protecting information, this being one of the most important assets of any organization; managing to evaluate and develop information security manuals, updating policies and procedures that influence the technological activity or that depend on it.